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Pink Floyd

Главная страница / Pink Floyd «Lyrics»
soul and I've grown old


You shout in your sleep

that's the price, it's just too steep

is your conscience at rest

it was put to the test

you awake with a start

just the beating of your heart

just one man beneath the sky

just two ears, just two eyes

You said, sail across the sea

long past thoughts and memories

childhood's end: your fantasies

merging harsh realities

and then as the sail is hoist

you'll find your eyes are growing moist

and all the fears never voiced

say you have to make the final choice

Who are you and who am I

to say we know the reason why

some are born, some men die

beneath one infinite sky

there'll be war and there'll be peace

but anything one day will cease

all the iron turn to rust

all the proud men turn to dust

so all things time will mend

so this song will end


One two three four

The memories of a man in his old age

are the deeds of a man in his prime

you shuffle in the gloom of the sick room

and talk to yourself as you die

Life is a short warm moment

and death is a long cold rest

you get your chance to try the twinkling of an eye

eighty years with luck or even less

So all aboard for the American tour

and maybe you'll make it to the top

but mind how you go, and I can tell you 'cause I know

you may find it hard to get off

But you are the angel of death

and I am the dead man's son

he was buried like a mole in a fox-hole

and everyone's still on the run

And who is the master of foxhounds

and who says the hunt is begun

and who calls the tune in the court-room

and who beats the funeral drum


Stay and help me to end the day

and if you don't mind, we'll break a bottle



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