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Longfellow Henry Wadsworth
«The Song of Hiawatha»

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his tribe had long departedTo the land of Shawondasee.Cried the fierce Kabibonokka,"Who is this that dares to brave me?Dares to stay in my dominions,When the Wawa has departed,When the wild-goose has gone southward,And the heron, the Shuh-shuh-gah,Long ago departed southward?I will go into his wigwam,I will put his smouldering fire out!"And at night Kabibonokka,To the lodge came wild and wailing,Heaped the snow in drifts about it,Shouted down into the smoke-flue,Shook the lodge-poles in his fury,Flapped the curtain of the door-way.Shingebis, the diver, feared not,Shingebis, the diver, cared not;Four great logs had he for firewood,One for each moon of the winter,And for food the fishes served him.By his blazing fire he sat there,Warm and merry, eating, laughing,Singing, "O Kabibonokka,You are but my fellow-mortal!"Then Kabibonokka entered,And though Shingebis, the diver,Felt his presence by the coldness,Felt his icy breath upon him,Still he did not cease his singing,Still he did not leave his laughing,Only turned the log a little,Only made the fire burn brighter,Made the sparks fly up the smoke-flue.From Kabibonokka's forehead,From his snow-besprinkled tresses,Drops of sweat fell fast and heavy,Making dints upon the ashes,As along the eaves of lodges,As from drooping boughs of hemlock,Drips the melting snow in spring-time,Making hollows in the snow-drifts.Till at last he rose defeated,Could not bear the heat and laughter,Could not bear the merry singing,But rushed headlong through the door-way,Stamped upon the crusted snow-drifts,Stamped upon the lakes and rivers,Made the snow upon them harder,Made the ice upon them thicker,Challenged Shingebis, the diver,To come forth and wrestle with him,To come forth and wrestle nakedOn the frozen fens and moorlands.Forth went Shingebis, the diver,Wrestled all night with the North-Wind,Wrestled naked on the moorlandsWith the fierce Kabibonokka,Till his panting breath grew fainter,Till his frozen grasp grew feebler,Till he reeled and staggered backward,And retreated, baffled, beaten,To the kingdom of Wabasso,To the land of


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