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Йейтс Уильям Батлер
«Стихи. (В переводах разных авторов)»

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о дочери певца

Рыдают птицы без конца,

Пускай шумит о ней тростник, -

Что мне, любимая, до них?

Ведь ты прекрасней и мудрей

Вернувшейся из-за морей

И чище сердцем, чем она;

Но тех двоих — забыть бы нам!

О, неотступная мечта

Сердец влюбленных — слиться так

С любимым сердцем, как Айлин

С Байле сплелись, уйдя с земли!

Baile and Aillinn

ARGUMENT. Baile and Aillinn were lovers, but Aengus, the Master of Love, wishing them to he happy in his own land among the dead, told to each a story of the other's death, so that their hearts were broken and they died.

I hardly hear the curlew cry,

Nor the grey rush when the wind is high,

Before my thoughts begin to run

On the heir of Uladh, Buan's son,

Baile, who had the honey mouth;

And that mild woman of the south,

Aillinn, who was King Lugaidh's heir.

Their love was never drowned in care

Of this or that thing, nor grew cold

Because their bodies had grown old.

Being forbid to marry on earth,

They blossomed to immortal mirth.

About the time when Christ was born,

When the long wars for the White Horn

And the Brown Bull



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