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Йейтс Уильям Батлер
«Стихи. (В переводах разных авторов)»

Главная страница / Йейтс Уильям Батлер «Стихи. (В переводах разных авторов)»

A thin grey man half lost in gathering night.

Druid. What would you, king of the proud Red Branch kings?

Fergus. This would I say, most wise of living souls:

Young subtle Conchubar sat close by me

When I gave judgment, and his words were wise,

And what to me was burden without end,

To him seemed easy, So I laid the crown

Upon his head to cast away my sorrow.

Druid. What would you, king of the proud Red Branch kings?

Fergus. A king and proud! and that is my despair.

I feast amid my people on the hill,

And pace the woods, and drive my chariot-wheels

In the white border of the murmuring sea;

And still I feel the crown upon my head

Druid. What would you, Fergus?

Fergus. Be no more a king

But learn the dreaming wisdom that is yours.

Druid. Look on my thin grey hair and hollow cheeks

And on these hands that may not lift the sword,

This body trembling like a wind-blown reed.

No woman's loved me, no man sought my help.

Fergus. A king is but a foolish labourer

Who wastes his blood to



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