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Йейтс Уильям Батлер
«Стихи. (В переводах разных авторов)»

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ваш — вне времен и мест?

И впрямь ли вы сбираетесь вокруг нас,

Когда сияет бледный свет на водах

И меж листвы, и ветер с лепестков

Во мглу слетает, и трепещет птица,

И окрыляет сердце тишина?

Примите ж эти строки как зачин

Поэмы о Форгэле и Декторе:[92]

Так в старину арфист перед игрою

Вином незримых духов ублажал.

The Shadowy Waters


to lady Gregory

I WALKED among the seven woods of Coole,

Shan-walla, where a willow-bordered pond

Gathers the wild duck from the winter dawn;

Shady Kyle-dortha; sunnier Kyle-na-gno,

Where many hundred squirrels are as happy

As though they had been hidden by green boughs,

Where old age cannot find them; Pairc-na-lea,

Where hazel and ash and privet blind the paths;

Dim Pairc-na-carraig, where the wild bees fling

Their sudden fragrances on the green air;

Dim Pairc-na-tarav, where enchanted eyes

Have seen immortal, mild, proud shadows walk;

Dim Inchy wood, that hides badger and fox

And marten-cat, and borders that old wood

Wise Biddy Early called the wicked wood:

Seven odours, seven murmurs, seven woods.

I had not eyes like those enchanted eyes,

Yet dreamed that beings happier than men

Moved round me in the shadows, and at night



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